Planning, Wedding

3 Months, or How the F*** Did That Happen

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset

Without giving away TOO much- what I do in the nighttimes lately.

In some of my more frenzied moments over the past year, I would calm down by telling myself I could give myself permission to panic once we hit 3 months- but until then, I would be fine.


So here we are. The mythical 3-month point. And yes, I am panicking a bit. Probably not as much as I should, but at this point, it’s best to just move to onto the acceptance phase. I’m still going to work my little fingers to the bone to make this the day of my (our) dreams. Things will fall to the wayside, yes, but that’s because I also want to be a human at least part of the time between now and June.

I think the hardest part of this month milestone is not having my boo here. It sucks that he’s in China, because I really want to be bothering him about stuff right now. But he’s fast asleep, probably- if numerous sleep-talking incidences are any clue- dreaming about dinosaurs.

Good night, sweet prince. Get your rest now, because once you’re home, I hope you’re ready to werk.

prince nicky

Isn’t it weird that I DID NOT make this photo for this post? That I already had a file called “Prince Nicky” of a sleeping Nick? Am I crazy? Maybe. Am I embarrassing? Most definitely.