The Final Countdown- 365 Days
Well, today marks the 1-year countdown- or as Nick very sweetly put it in a text from China this morning, our “one year pre-anniversary-” to our wedding.
When I think about how fast the past 4 months have evaporated, I get a little anxious and more than a little excited. I know the rest of our engagement going to fly by- and we have almost nothing done, so that’s cool. But I really can’t wait- and today, the little countdown clock on my phone switched over to days rather than years.
But the countdown clock isn’t enough for me. What better way to commemorate this year than to try to post a sketch of a wedding dress per day? I’m not sketching as much as I used to, and this is a perfect occasion to keep up and improve my skills.
Today’s sketch is an “something old, something new” combo. While it’s a new sketch, the dress- a bias-cut 4-ply crepe dress with radiating darts- is actually from my senior thesis at Pratt. I remember trying on the muslin in my dorm room and thinking, “I would totally wear this when I get married.”
Spoiler alert: I’m not- that would be too easy- but I still have a soft-spot for this dress.