Apparel, Wedding

Veiled Threat, Great-Grandmother Style


My mom has always been really great about displaying old family photographs. For as long as I can remember, the wedding photos of my parents, grandparents, and two sets of great-grandparents have hung in the dining room- consequently, I know these wedding gowns like the back of my hand. Last week at home, I had the chance to look at them from the other side of the bride-divide.

francis walter

Francis and Walter Sowinski

The two great-grandparent photos are divided by about a decade- or as I prefer to describe it, Downton Abbey Season 1 and Downton Abbey season 4. My paternal great-grandmother, Francis, represents the former. I’m seriously digging the flowers- the single rose for each of the bridesmaids is pretty chic. AND they’re rocking the mismatched bridesmaids look. I would kill to see these dresses up close- even in the black and white photo, you can see that there’s a ton of detail; pleated waistbands, layered skirts, lace aprons.

When I was a kid, I looked at my great-grandmother Emily’s wedding dress (above, with my great-grandfather Joe) and was like, “Yuck, it’s short.” This is because I considered the height of glamour and sophistication to be 20-foot trains and giant poofy sleeves (thanks, Princess Di). Now, I look at and I’m like, “Damn, Emily!” This is one of my favorite bridal looks ever. I’m seriously obsessed with the veil- that length, that cap, that lace. Amazing. My mom’s veil actually has the lace from edge of Emily’s (passed down through my grandma), so we’re hoping we can locate it and I can use it somehow in my wedding dress/veil/etc. If I didn’t also inherit thick calves and cankles from that side of the family, I’d probably cop the whole look, short dress and all.

Kid Kasia was an idiot.